
European Athletics Coaching Summit Series 2024

Austrian Athletics and European Athletics are happy to welcome coaches from across Europe to the regional capital of Lower Austria, St. Pölten. The coaching summit is presented in cooperation with the SPORTZENTRUM Niederösterreich.

Conference Title

Power, explosive strength and speed development of female athletes in sprints and throws.


November 15th - 17th, 2024


SPORTZENTRUM Niederösterreich


Laurent Meuwly

Coach of Femke Bol, Lieke Klaver and Ajla Del Ponte and former coach of Lea Sprunger

Awarded with the World Athletics Coaching Achievement Award 2023

Jarek Skrzyszowski

Coach of Pia Skrzyszowska and Karolina Koleczek

Gregor Högler

Coach of Victoria Hudson and Lukas Weisshaidinger and former coach of Ivona Dadic

Austrian Coach of the year 2021.

Philipp Unfried

Coach of Karin Strametz, Ivona Dadic and former coach of Megan Tapper


You will find the full schedule here.

Summit Fee

Till September 18th, 2024: Early-Bird-Tickets ("first come - first served") for the summit in 2 categories:

  • category 1: Summit fee for EUR 450.- (accommodation on site in simple single rooms - only 5 tickets left)
  • category 2: Summit fee for EUR 500.- (accommodation in hotels nearby)

Starting from September 19th, 2024: Regular Tickets in 2 categories (if both are still available):

  • category 1: Summit fee for EUR 500.- (depending on availability)
  • category 2: Summit fee for EUR 550.- (accommodation in hotels nearby)

The fee includes the participation fee for the summit from November 15-17, 2024, single room occupancy, full board and transport from the hotel to the venue.


Getting there

Travel costs (flight and train from/to Vienna International Airport to/from central train station St. Poelten) are not covered be the summit fee. There are direct train connections between Vienna International Airport and St. Pölten Central Station for around EUR 17.- each direction. Train tickets can be booked prior on oebb.at

Staff members of Austrian Athletics will assist at the airport to get tickets for the trains on arrival day. At the central station of St. Pölten also assistance will be provided to find the way to the hotel easily.

Getting there by car: Parking at the hotels and the Sportzentrum.Niederösterreich is possible. Parking at the hotel Das Alfred and the SPORTZENTRUM is for free - at the hotel Metropol EUR 10.- per night will charged by the hotel from the participants.

Additional information

European Athletics is providing High Performance webinar series online. To registrate please visit this website. This series consists of online presentations through the live online event platform of European Athletics. These webinars will address various topics of interest in high performance in athletics, through both a theoretical and practical framework. These webinars will gather well-known scientists and specialists, addressing relevant topics concerning all the events of Athletics. 


For any questions please do not hesitate to ask.

Bernhard Rauch
Austrian Athletics
Deputy General Secretary

Credit: SPORTZENTRUM Niederoesterreich, Das Alfred, Metropol, GEPA pictures


For the registration, please fill in this form. After we have received your data we will confirm your participation.

Personal Data Please choose a title.

Bitte tragen Sie hier Ihr Geburtsdatum ein.
Please insert your Telefonnumer with the country code.

please select
Please insert your club, federation or country.
Safe your "Early Bird Ticket" til August 31st, 2024
Name, Address, Post Code, City, Country

Information on the processing of your personal data

By submitting this registration form for the European Athletics Coaching Summit 2024 in St. Pölten, Austria, you are providing us with personal data. Below you will find information about the processing of this data in compliance with the obligations of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
Responsible for processing:

Austrian Athletics
Prinz-Eugen-Straße 12, 1040 Vienna
Email: office@oelv.at
Web: www.oelv.at
ZVR number: 8311713114

Purposes of processing and legal basis

Austrian Athletics uses the disclosed data to process the European Athletics Coaching Summit 2024 in St. Pölten. The legal basis for the processing of personal data is the fulfillment of the contract in Article 6 Paragraph 1 Letter b GDPR.

Which personal data is processed?

All data that is transmitted to Austrian Athletics via the online registration form will be processed. Personal information includes the title, first and last name, date of birth, telephone number, email address and the member federation in which the participant is working.

Is it necessary to provide personal data to register for the European Athletics Coaching Summit 2024 in St. Pölten?

Yes - the provision of the requested personal data is a prerequisite for registering for the European Athletics Coaching Summit 2024 in St. Pölten. The fields on the registration form are mandatory. If the data is provided incomplete, the registration cannot be confirmed.

Who will the data be passed on to?

In order to fulfill the stated purposes, the data will be passed on to the organization of the European Athletics Coaching Summit 2024 in St. Pölten - to Austrian Athletics. Furthermore the title, first name, name and member federation will be passed on to European Athletics.

How long is the data stored?

Austrian Athletics stores the data until the end of the next calendar year in which the European Athletics Coaching Summit 2024 took place in St. Pölten (December 31, 2025). After this period, all personal data will be deleted.

Your rights in connection with the processing of personal data concerning you:

In principle, you have the rights to information, correction, deletion, restriction, data portability and objection. To do this, please contact us - our contact details are listed under the Imprint section.

If you believe that the processing of your data violates data protection law or your data protection rights have been violated in any other way, you have the right to lodge a complaint with the Austrian Data Protection Authority.

You can find detailed information about your rights under our data protection button https://www.oelv.at/de/datenschutz.

If you have any questions about data protection and the handling of your data in connection with the trainer training, we will be happy to help you at any time.

By submitting this registration form, I confirm that I have read this Art. 13 information on the processing of my personal data and acknowledge it.

Declaration of consent under data protection law for the production and publication of photos, images and video recordings including the accompanying soundtrack

By submitting this online registration form for the European Athletics Coaching Summit 2024 in St. Pölten, you are giving us the data protection declaration of consent for the production and publication of photos, images and video recordings including the accompanying audio track.
Responsible for processing:

Austrian Athletics (ÖLV)
Prinz-Eugen-Straße 12, 1040 Vienna
Tel.: +43 (0)1 505 73 50
Email: office@oelv.at
Web: www.oelv.at
ZVR number: 8311713114

Purpose of distribution and legal basis:

Austrian Athletics processes the data generated in the course of being a participant in the European Athletics Coaching Summit 2024 in St. Pölten (which also includes photos and images taken during the course) for the purposes of Austrian Athletics in accordance with the purposes regulated in the statutes. These include, among other things, carrying out press and public relations work. The legal basis here is the legitimate interest according to Art. 6 Para. 1 lit f GDPR.

Austrian Athletics would like to portray the participants in the interests of good public relations and the good standing of Austrian athletics in public. This is also to present the activities, offers and efforts of Austrian Athletics. The corresponding data processing relating to the participants goes beyond the extent and intensity of “conventional” supervisors, which is why it can be assumed that that these are no longer covered by the legitimate interest of the person responsible (=Austrian Athletics).

Austrian Athletics therefore requires your data protection consent for the areas described. During all processing operations, Austrian Athletics ensures that the rights and freedoms of those affected are not violated. If there are any doubts, Austrian Athletics will stop and refrain from any further processing. The participants of the course always have the opportunity to express their conditions and restrictions regarding the data processing discussed here.

By submitting this online registration form, you agree that Austrian Athletics will take photos, images and video recordings, including the accompanying audio track, as part of the European Athletics Coaching Summit 2024 in St. Pölten and use them free of charge in its own online and print media (e.g. magazines, Websites, printed matter, etc.) for the purposes of press, public relations and reporting by Austrian Athletics as well as third-party online and print media (e.g. press releases to media/press services/companies).

Furthermore, by submitting, you agree that Austrian Athletics may use the photos, images and video recordings, including the accompanying audio track, on social networks (e.g. Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube - note as part of the publication on social networks It is possible that the respective service receives exploitation rights to the content) may publish it free of charge.

The granting of this consent(s) is mandatory when registering for this trainer course. You can revoke this consent(s) at any time by email to office@oelv.at or by letter to Österreichischer Leichtathletik-Verband, Prinz Eugen-Strasse 12, 1040 Vienna with effect for the future. In this case, the photos, images and video recordings will be deleted as far as Austrian Athletics is able to do so. Deletion from print media that has already been published cannot take place. Deletion on the website or in social media channels takes place within the scope of technical possibilities. Data will only be passed on to third parties within the framework covered by your consent (e.g. passing on to social media, web or print service providers).

If you have any questions about data protection and the declaration of consent under data protection law for the production and publication of photos, images and video recordings, including the accompanying audio track, in connection with the trainer course, we will be happy to help you at any time.

By submitting this registration form, I confirm that I have read this data protection declaration of consent for the production and publication of photos, images and video recordings including the accompanying audio track and acknowledge it.

Tick the box to confirm

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